Brain MRI

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Brain MRI procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Brain MRI subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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MRI Lower Extremity

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which lower Extremity MRI procedures were excluded and why * identify which different lower Extremity MRI subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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MRI Pelvis

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Pelvis MRI procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Pelvis MRI subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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MRI Upper Extremity

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Upper Extremity procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Upper Extremity subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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Spine MRI

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Spinal MRI procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Spinal MRI subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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Eye Exam

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Basic Metabolic Panel procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Basic Metabolic Panel subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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Flu Test

Introduction In this section we will: * identify which Basic Metabolic Panel procedures were excluded and why * identify which different Basic Metabolic Panel subgroups were created and why If you have questions or concerns about this data please contact Alexander Nielson ( Load Libraries Load Libraries library(data.table) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' ## when loading 'dplyr' library(stringi) library(ggridges) library(broom) library(disk.frame) library(RecordLinkage) library(googlesheets4) library(bigrquery) library(DBI) devtools::install_github("utah-osa/hcctools2", upgrade="never" ) library(hcctools2) Establish color palettes

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Utah OSA - Health Cost Compare

Documentation for Office of the State Auditor’s methodology in contstructing the Health Care Compare Tool

Performance Audit Team

SLC, Utah